Friday, January 27, 2012

Waiting on the Tarmac

So little more than an hour to go! I've done the whole good bye thing before but this is the first time I'm doing it alone. It's been about an hour since I last kissed my parents goodbye but it was invigorating!

   I've been watching these planes take off and land in this sunset for a few minutes. When you first look at them them you only see their sillouet and can't tell if they are coming or going. In one way that is how I feel. Am leaving or arriving where I should be? Maybe both, after watching the planes they too take off the same way they land. Maybe that is just it, coming and going are dependant on how you look like it. Like Einstein said it is all relative, so leaving my friends and all the memories I have here is just me arriving to the next stage in my lifes journey. I never intended this to become a ramble nor an insight to my thoughts but I guess that is what it is becoming.

So now I'm nervous and still have this stupid coldsore and its almost go time! I can't wait! I would say this is not a plane landing but taking off. Both a sunrise and sunset are beautifle but i think this is a sunrise, the start of something that is going to lead to a wonderful change in my life
Benda out

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